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Calculating Our Review Score

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    We collate and analyse user reviews from across all third-party review platforms

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    Quality awards

    We compare the industry quality awards and ratings that actually matter

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    We know that pricing can’t be ignored so our team collate like-for-like prices

  • Rank Icon


    We analyse all this data and rank each provider with our own unique rating system

Our team of editors and researchers review the whole market. We take real user reviews into account across a number of third-party platforms, as well as our own, to ensure providers deliver on their promises and operate fairly. We also review product quality through a number of tools and checks. The outcome of our research is then calculated using our unique algorithm.

Can I trust your comparison tables?

We work for you, the consumer, not the insurers. We believe that honest reviews are the best way to deliver a reliable view of companies in order to help you buy with confidence. We don’t have favourites and cannot be bought. Unlike our competitors, our review score is not influenced by monetary bids or commissions offered to us by providers. Our comparison table offers an impartial and unbiased overview of each market. We do not provide recommendations but we do present clear and impartial information, so you can make a more informed choice.