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Monzo Reviews

Spend abroad anywhere in the world and in any currency with Mastercard's globally accepted exchange rate and no hidden fees.

9.8 /10
Based on 49607 reviews
#1 of 5 app based banks
  • Sentiment Score: 8.6/10
  • 49607 reviews found on websites such as TrustPilot

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Good for

  • FSCS protection for your account
  • No fees when you spend overseas
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84% of consumers read reviews before purchasing
*Based on an independent survey of 1000 people by Compare By Review
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Aidan Edwards
Cover Purchased
i Reviewed without invitation
Reviewed the Service experience on 21 Jul 2020

Very Good

Great app, easy to use.

Reply by Compare by Review

Good to know. Thanks for leaving a review, Aidan.

Frequently asked Questions

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To open an account you need to download the free Monzo app via your smartphone. You then need to fill in the necessary details. The whole process is very quick and is clear and easy to navigate. You need to have some photo ID to hand to take a photo of and be ready to record a quick video of yourself for authentication.

There are various ways of contacting the team at Monzo through either their in-app chat, by email or via the phone. There’s plenty of information on the site which will answer many queries from existing and future customers.

Yes, your money is covered up to £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.